Pitch deck
Evangelism. Discipleship. Multiplication.

About Us
Hello, nice to meet you : )
We are Stefanie (36) and Jonathan (38) and are fulltime – evangelists in Germany since 2016/17. We love Jesus and people and live in an socially deprived borough in Berlin called Marzahn-Hellersdorf on purpose because we want to reach the unreached in this part of the city. We have two kids (5 years and almost new – born baby). Our NGO called Glauben teilen e.V. (translated: sharing faith or in the english version we called it sent2plant) is headquartered in Berlin – Marzahn.
Our passion is to see people get saved and get to know Jesus as their personal savior and lord.
citizens in Marzahn - Hellersdorf
since we started sharing the gospel in Marzahn
documented conversations about faith
Our vision
Our Heartbeat

Evangelism: Reach the unreached
Berlin Marzahn belongs to east Berlin which was part of the GDR. In many ways this borough is still influenced by atheism and communism. Also poverty a high rate of unemployment and addiction are main problems in this borough.
We know that Jesus loves each and every person that lives here and it is our privilege and passion to reach them with the love of Christ and the Gospel. We do that through simple outreaches multiple times a week.
We developed tools, evangelistic websites and flyers to reach atheists effectively. We add new items to the evangelistic „toolbox“ constantly as we use the practical experience that we and our fellow evangelists have to answer the questions that people interested in faith ask.

Discipleship & Church - Planting
We love leading people to Christ but we know it doesn´t end there it is only the beginning. As soon as a person accepted Jesus as their savior and lord the discipleship journey starts. As you know discipleship is a crucial part of following Jesus and staying a blossoming Christian. Therefore we emphasize the importance of discipleship through small groups, personal councelling and helping new believers to become a part of our church or an other church in their area or were they feel at home.
In 2023 we started church – planting in Berlin Marzahn – together with our partner „diekreative“.

Our desire is to encourage and equip Christians to share their faith without fear but with joy on a daily bases. Thats why we have an online platform for christians with various ideas and helpful tools on how to share their faith with coworkers, neighbours, friends and strangers. Our print media as well as other tools to share their faith can be ordered online for free, because we want to make it available for everyone who wants to share the gospel.
We also multiply the evangelistic ideas through trainings, info booths and sermons in churches, bible schools and conferences or retreats.
3 Projects
to help us share the gospel and do what we´re called to do

Personal assistant
As our ministry and family grows we need more helping hands to enable us to continue reaching people with the love of Christ, discipling them and continue with our trainings for churches. Also we have many new ideas for tools to share the gospel but can´t develop all of them because of lack of time.

Developement of evangelistic tools, websites and flyers
Our aim is to reach people at eye level. Thats why we are constantly in the process of improving our print media and websites and developing new flyers etc. .

"Meeting center": Construction project for interns, discipleship and ministry community
This is the most expensive project (600 K) we would like to implement. But as we grow it is necessary to give volunteers and interns the opportunity to reach the unreached with us. Please ask us for details.
3 Ways to support our ministry
Your way of multiplication for Berlin Marzhan

Get to know us and our work

Donation for a project

Prayer warrior
With many encouraging testimonials
thank you for your blessings
All informations how you can support us financially coming soon (until the end of february 2025)
With many encouraging testimonials
thank you for your blessings
All informations how you can support us financially coming soon (until the end of february 2025)